US Biotech Companies
Database |
Your Complete Information Source on
Biotechnology in the United States |
this database to find
* company contacts * potential clients or customers * competitor
information * Industry analyses * mailing list * market research
* competitors or collaborators *
and much more ! * |
Updated by BioAbility research staff. Information is obtained through
various sources including:
Company press releases
Numerous periodicals and journals
Company web pages
Annual reports
SEC filings
Direct contact with company
While hundreds of thousands of pieces of information are
included, every effort is made to keep the database as fresh as possible. |
contact information and company profiles on more than 2,000
biotechnology and biotechnology-related corporations in the United
States. |
Information is
available on company location, contacts, areas of interest, product
areas, employees, revenues, year of founding, financing, etc. |
This data file
is available in MS Excel® or Access® format, ready to be used in your
Excel, Word, Access or other compatible programs. |
Please call 919-544-5111 to place order by phone.
Or email info@bioability.com. |
in either Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Access formats on CD-ROM $790.
Educational Discount Special
-- University and College
orders: $395.
Updates: Quarterly updates are available for $150 each. |